Sun in Ha – 28 March 2015

My new diagonal ( TeleVue 2″ Everbright + Satin finish) arrived earlier in the week, but the weather had been terrible (snowstorm and all).

But today, totally unexpected the sky cleared for a couple hours and presented me with some of the best views I had so far with the Quark.

Seeing conditions were okay’ish ( 5 / 10 or so ), bit wind and some thin haze / cloud, but overall not too bad at all.

Imaging wise, the new TV diagonal on my Esprit 120 + Quark + QHY5L-IIc + TS 0,5 reducer, this day was definitely the best so far!

Large Prominence:


Sunspot AR2305:


Sunspot AR2305 with inverted filter:


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