Sun in Ha (Hydrogen Alpha) – 21 March 2015

Today I had a first light with the DayStar Quark Chromosphere and managed catch this wondeful Prominence on the limb of the sun.

The Quark is fantastic so far. It’s giving me wonderful views of the Sun in Ha (Hydrogen Alpha).

Seeing was about average, with difficulty keeping focus. I recorded 1000 frames with the QHY5L-IIc (with TS 0,5x focal reducer), stacked it in AutoStakkert! 2.5 and processed it in Photoshop CC.

I am very happy with my first attempt at imaging in Ha, with no sign of the dreaded newton rings (yet! <knock on wood>).


Update: Later in afternoon I had another go, to try capture some surface details, but the seeing conditions had turned so bad it was impossible to get anything decent.

I did however managed to get another go on a prominence on the limb.


Update 2: Decided to try process the surface AVI as best as I could. Had to process very heavily to get anything decent out of it. Seeing conditions were absolutely horrible at the time, impossible to get good focus. ( It’s showing a bit of vertical line artifacts, but they will dissapear when you click to enlarge )


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